We Invite You
To the Virtual Wedding Of
Due to the limitations of the current pandemic, we apologize for not being able to directly invite all of you to our wedding.
With all due respect, allow us to expect your virtual presence and give us your blessing. Thank you for the love, support, blessing, and prayers along our love journey.
June 26th, 2021 | 11:00
We’re getting hitched! And we would love if you could join us virtually and be the witness of our marriage.
12 years ago we met. 8 years ago we started dating. and yes, He has made everything beautiful in its time, we are grateful that God leads our journey, through good or bad, ups and downs, laughs and tears, He is faithful.
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."
1 Corinthians 13:13
Kindly fill the RSVP form below for those personally invited to attend the wedding reception physically
Mohon mengisi formulir RSVP di bawah ini bagi Bpk/Ibu/Sdr/i yang diundang secara pribadi untuk menghadiri resepsi pernikahan secara offline
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Yes, you may send some gift (E-Angpao)
to The Groom and The Bride if you wish to.
Bank Central Asia (BCA)
No. Rekening : 399 154 1363
a/n Stephen Sanjaya
or scan the QR code below
👰 Holy Matrimony | 11.00 AM 🤵
Silahkan menonton melalui YouTube Live untuk menyaksikan Pemberkatan Pernikahan kami.
Thank you for being a part of our journey and celebrating with us on our special day! Stay safe and healthy! :)
With love,
Stephen & Cindy